Earn rewards while
paying for education?
Now that's smart!

Earn rewards while paying for education?
Now that's smart!

Preksha's rewards program is a carefully crafted loyalty
program that allows you to link loans to earning rewards
when parents spend on their child's education fees. Our
rewards program is built to recognize the value of our
customers and show our appreciation for their loyalty

With rewards program, we aim to help parents by
easing their financial burden of educating their children,
also doing our bit to help students in need of an
education who otherwise cannot afford it.

Preksha's rewards program is a carefully crafted loyalty program that allows you to link loans to earning rewards when parents spend on their child's education fees. Our rewards program is built to recognize the value of our customers and show our appreciation for their loyalty

With rewards program, we aim to help parents by easing their financial burden of educating their children, also doing our bit to help students in need of an education who otherwise cannot afford it.

How it Works

Join Preksha

, Create your profile,
and get started!

Get the fee disbursed

Select the institute and pay the fees, at zero cost

Pay monthly installments

Earn cumulative rewards as you repay the loan each month

Claim your rewards

Redeem your one or more rewards anytime, anywhere!

How it Works

Join Preksha

, Create your profile,
and get started!

Get the fee disbursed

Select the institute and pay the fees, at zero cost

Pay monthly installments

Earn cumulative rewards as you repay the loan each month

Claim your rewards

Redeem your one or more rewards anytime, anywhere!

Rewards you would love!

Our program allows you to earn gift cards, digital subscriptions, local experiences or donate to your favourite charity!

Rewards you would love!

Our program allows you to earn gift cards, digital subscriptions, local experiences or donate to your favourite charity!

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Backed by Decades of
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Backed by Decades of
executive management experience.